Understanding Computer Maintenance Management Systems For Your Organisation's Rack-Mounted Server

29 July 2016
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog


Data exchange is an important thing that you should consider in a large firm. Fast and secure flow of data among various employees and departments boosts productivity at manageable costs. With a rack-mounted server, you can have multiple servers to consolidate your data network and connect various hardware components to each server for data transfer. Notably, this complex system of hardware requires proper maintenance to prevent loss of data, infringement and snarl-ups. This is where a computer maintenance management system (CMMS) comes in handy. Here is what you need to know about a CMMS to help you take care of your organisation's rack-mounted server:

Custom Software or Outsourcing (Whichever Saves You Money)

A CMMS comes as a computer software that tracks the performance and maintenance of data transfer equipment. Generally, you can have the software installed and deployed on the equipment in your premises or outsource it to an outside vendor if they are offering you a considerably low price for the same services. 

You Can Make Sound Financial Decisions

When it comes to data transfer hardware, the decision to fix or replace equipment is key to avoiding unnecessary expenditures. A CMMS lays out a cost-benefit analysis to show you whether it is prudent to replace or fix the equipment. For instance, it may be financially viable to get a new storage area network switch instead of investing in different parts required for its immediate repair. The CMMS lays out the location of the switch and documents the process of fixing it, giving you a figure that you can compare with the market value of a new switch. In this way, you can avoid unnecessary expenses.

Timely Maintenance

A CMMS will help you make timely maintenance of your servers and other components. It can schedule automated maintenance for the data transfer hardware, eliminating the tendency to run equipment after their maintenance dates are overdue. The CMMS can schedule maintenance procedures such as cleaning hardware airflow openings or cleaning computer local disks. By generating equipment service requests, it identifies specific problems that your workers have to address. This helps your technicians to avoid involuntary oversights during maintenance.

Power Load Shedding

A CMMS has a power load management programme so that you can control power supply to your equipment. By running power distribution units and uninterruptible power supply units, you can sustain power to the most important machines. This will help you avoid disruptions caused by involuntary power supply surges. To add on that, the programmes can limit power supply to "sleeping" equipment not in use, saving power. This is very helpful in a large firm where it is hard to keep an eye on all equipment.

For more information, contact electrical contractors, like those at Aardvark Electrics.